Click below to give to support our programs.
We are raising funds for a generator. We need $4000.00 and we have $1000.00 raised.
Emergency Shelter Status
We need you to volunteer and help those in need in the Fern Ridge Area.
There are many ways you can help. We need people to help with food, meal preparation, gathering supplies, running and cleaning the shelter, giving financially, etc.
To become a volunteer, you only need to complete the following three, easy steps below. Once you have finished the three steps, one of the coordinators will contact you to answer any questions you may have and help you get connected to volunteer opportunities.
If you have already completed training and/or volunteered in the past, you can click on the link below to sign up for shifts.
Step 1: Your Contact Info
*All fields are required in order to to volunteer.
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Step 2: Volunteer Training
Note: Only complete the training for the service(s) you want to volunteer for.
Community Dinner Training:
First, watch the walk-through video. Then read the manual and civil rights document.
*Correction: the 4 servers and helpers should arrive at 4:15pm, NOT 4:30pm.
Emergency Shelter Training:
First, watch the walk-through video. Then read the manual and civil rights document.
Step 3: Submit Volunteer Form
By completing and submitting this form, you are promising with integrity that your contact information is accurate and real. Furthermore, you are saying that you have reviewed all the training material for the service you wish to volunteer for.
Please select only the services that you wish to volunteer for.
Thank you for your submission!
That is it! Now you wait until a coordinator contacts you and gives you the okay to serve! Once you get the okay, you can come back to this page and click on one of the scheduling buttons above to schedule a time to serve.
Thank you for volunteering to serve your community. It is only because of people like you that these services are able to be provided. Thank you.